ShopDoneGood is an experimental affiliate marketing platform for clothing brands users can feel good about supporting.
Site Wireframe
Wireframe for header of an e-commerce site featuring companies doing good for their workers, their communities, and the environment. Large hero image highlights one of the featured organizations and directs users to purchase products at a discounted rate.
Digital Mockup
Visual design mockup created using Photoshop based on the structure of the wireframe. Header photograph featuring company products is supplemented by labels drawing attention to unique elements of their creation. Featured companies are displayed in a simple carousel with direct links and discounts. ShopDoneGood culture video takes full width of page (mission is central to all consumer action) and community-specific pages direct users to local businesses.
Site prototype coded with HTML/CSS providing a basic structure to insert content designed in the digital mockup. This incorporates micro-interactions on-hover (social media links, nav bars), elaborates on how the company functions, and includes an email newsletter sign-up.